About us

Get To Know KaroYog

KaroYog’s vision is to transform modern society by embracing yoga not only as a practice but also as a way of life. Through our platform and yoga classes online, we aim to inspire and create spaces of reflection and insights where people can deeply establish a connection with self-discovery, self-love and self-awareness. 

With our diverse offerings, experienced yoga teacher and evidence-based practices, we aspire to become more than a mere yoga platform. With their full support, we blend yoga poses with the philosophy of self-awareness to pave the way for our students towards a healthier and happier lifestyle. 

We aim to become a transformative force in the lives of our members and equip them with yoga poses that can work as tools of self-knowledge and spiritual growth. Within our community, the members will celebrate their strengths and honor their vulnerabilities by by building a firm foundation in themselves. 

What Do We Offer

  • Diversity of Yoga Instructors: KaroYog has a carefully curated team of highly experienced and professional yoga teachers from different backgrounds and with diverse expertise.
  • Yoga for Different Groups: To make KaroYog the perfect place for people to begin their journey of self-discovery, we offer yoga classes online that are dedicated to specific groups of people such as yoga for beginners, yoga poses for athletes, yoga for mental health and many others.
  • Customised Yoga Classes Online: In order to understand each individual’s needs, we believe in providing personalised yoga class with continuous progress tracking, forming individual set goals and measuring their growth throughout the whole journey.
  • Continuous Growth & Learning: As a platform for spirituality and tranquility, we also believe in continuous growth of our members through regular yoga classes online. Similarly, it also allows each yoga teacher to grow their expertise even further. 

What Makes Us Unique

With our strong belief in ‘yoga for all’, KaroYog is a platform that provides yoga classes online for special individuals and children with challenges such as Autism, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and other learning disabilities. In addition, our yoga classes acknowledge mental illnesses like depression, anxiety, stress, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and provide specialized yoga classes for the same.

Our Yoga Teachers

Our Mission

Here at KaroYog, we are dedicated to promoting yoga’s transformative power and sharing its profound benefits as a holistic practice, encompassing physical, mental and spiritual growth. With a philosophy deeply rooted in welcoming individuals of all ages, fitness levels and backgrounds, we aim to cultivate physical strength, inner harmony and mental clarity in the minds of practitioners. 

Through our yoga classes online, we also aim to encourage yoga enthusiasts to embark on their journey of personal and spiritual growth. Each experienced yoga teacher on our platform will continue to guide you through mindful movements, calming breathwork, physical strength, tranquillity and mental clarity. 

Together, let’s build a community that celebrates the unity of the human body, mind and spirit every day through various yoga poses.                               

Join us today and embrace the true essence of yoga training and its timeless teachings.