Yoga for Hypothyroid: Top Yoga Asanas for Improving Thyroid Health

Hypothyroidism is one of the most common endocrine disorders in the world. The report Status of Goitre or Thyroid Disorders in India, published by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare states that Kerala has 8696 women (per 100,000) suffering from goitre or thyroid issues. However, the good news is that you can reverse your hypothyroidism condition by practising yoga for hypothyroid regularly. 

Do you wish to know which yoga asanas you can practice regularly to control your thyroid issues? Here’s a detailed discussion of the yoga asanas that are perfect for regulating hypothyroidism. 

What is the best exercise for hypothyroidism?

Thyroid medication is the best way to keep your ailment in check. But being active and practising exercises such as swimming, walking, etc., may help you ease your symptoms. You can also go for strength training options like yoga or pilates. Proper exercises can help you manage your weight, maintain your strength, be more flexible and improve your overall physical and mental health. 

How can I normalise my hypothyroidism naturally?

Following a healthy diet and having a regular exercise regime have great roles to play if you want to reverse your hypothyroidism condition in a natural way. From consuming a sugar and gluten-free diet to including more probiotics and vitamins, you can try managing hypothyroidism with lifestyle and dietary alterations. But before everything else, check in with your doctor and seek advice to do what is best for you. 

Top Yaga Poses for Dealing With hypothyroidism

Halasana/Plough Pose

Source: (http://<a href=”

This is a classic yoga for hypothyroid that is typically done towards the end of yoga sessions. The asana is mainly an inversion pose that helps patients release stress and tension and regulate their hypothyroidism condition. 


  • Stimulates the thyroid gland by stretching the back and neck. 
  • Strengthens back and abdominal muscles. 
  • Relaxes the entire nervous system. 
  • Helps in diabetes management by reducing blood sugar levels. 
  • Improves flexibility and joint mobility. 

Sarvangasana/ Shoulder Stand

Source: (http://Image by yanalya on Freepik)

Among the best yoga for thyroid patients, Sarvangasana is beneficial for both hyper and hypothyroidism patients. Known as the ‘Queen of Asanas’, this posture regulates metabolism and accelerates the blood flow to the glands in the upper body. 


  • Improves overall thyroid health. 
  • Stretches the shoulders and the neck. 
  • Tones the legs and the buttocks. 
  • Reduces menopause symptoms and relieves stress. 
  • Positively impacts the parathyroid and thyroid glands along with the cervical vertebra. 

Matsyasana/Fish Pose

Source: (http://Image by yanalya on Freepik)

The fish pose reverses hypothyroidism and relieves stress from the patient’s body. An effective yoga for hypothyroid, it improves the overall posture of the body and is mostly done after a shoulder stand. 


  • Stretches the neck and the throat region. 
  • Stimulates the thyroid glands. 
  • Increases the flow of blood to the thyroid glands. 
  • Relieves the accumulated tension in that area. 
  • Strengthens the spinal column and the abdominal muscles. 

Vipreet Karni Mudra/Legs Up the Wall Pose

Source: (http://Image by yanalya on Freepik)

The most important aspect of this posture is that it compensates for the damage done as part of the side effects of the thyroid ailment. The posture puts no pressure on the neck and it restores the body balance. 


  • Reverses hypothyroidism condition. 
  • Regulates thyroid function. 
  • Casts a rejuvenating effect on the mind. 
  • Fights anxiety, reduces depression and cures insomnia. 
  • Removes thyroid imbalance. 

Setubandhanasana/Bridge Pose

Source: (http://Photo by Elina Fairytale from Pexels)

A slightly difficult pose, this yoga for hypothyroid increases blood circulation to the thyroid gland. This is a back-bending posture that opens the heart and strengthens the hips, waist, legs and spine. 


  • Stretches the entire body, especially the neck, hips and spine.
  • Tones the buttocks and the abdominal muscles. 
  • Enhances the functions of the thyroid gland. 
  • Improves digestion. 
  • Stimulates the Throat Chakra, Root Chakra and Heart Chakra of the body.  

Simhasana/Lion Pose

Source: (

A part of Hatha Yoga, Simhasana is an unusual yoga posture that not only eases hypothyroid problems but also helps with speech issues and voice clarity. The posture is also known for decreasing irritability and lowering tension and anxiety. 


  • Stretches the spine and relieves backaches. 
  • Relaxes face and throat muscles. 
  • Trains vocal chords and gives a clear voice. 
  • Calms the mind and relieves stress. 
  • Reduces wrinkles on the neck and face. 

Ujjayi Pranayama

A breathing technique as well as an excellent yoga for hypothyroid, this pranayama involves emitting sounds that happen as a result of the friction of the throat with the air. The pranayama is known as the ocean breathing technique and it treats thyroid imbalance. 


  • Helps in controlling the thyroid effectively. 
  • Supplies oxygen to the lungs.
  • Calms your nerves and eases mental anxiety.
  • Improves voice clarity, giving it a melodic texture. 
  • Helpful in reducing asthma symptoms. 

Nadishodhana Pranayama/Alternate Nostril Breathing

Source: (http://Photo by Ivan Samkov:

Are you looking for an easy yoga for thyroid treatment, then Nadishodhana Pranayama is the breathing technique that can help you normalise your thyroid condition. This pranayama purifies the blood cells and the energy channels. 


  • Stimulates the thyroid gland and improves its functions. 
  • Reduces respiratory and circulatory problems. 
  • De-stresses the body and helps in keeping the mind calm. 
  • Helps in maintaining body temperature. 
  • Balances the activities of the Nadis. 

Bhastrika Pranayama/Bellows Breath

Source: (http://Image by yanalya on Freepik)

Resembling the action of the bellows or the Bhastra, this pranayama involves forceful and mindful inhalation and exhalation. When it comes to yoga for the thyroid gland, this is an excellent pranayama that promotes slow breathing which is great for decreasing blood pressure and heart rate. 


  • Helps flush out toxins. 
  • Stimulates blood circulation. 
  • Activates the thyroid gland and reduces throat inflammation. 
  • Improves lung function and helps relieve stress. 
  • Manages weight and controls blood sugar levels. 

Final Thoughts

Thyroid, in most cases, is a life-long concern. But through regular yoga sessions, you can relieve stress, balance out your thyroid and regulate its activity. Now that you have this list of yoga for hypothyroid, it is best to seek guidance from a trained healthcare professional and practice these asanas in a customised sequence as a complementary therapy to medication and dietary restrictions. So, take control of your thyroid gland and sign up for our yoga classes today!

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