bow pose

Yoga Asanas for Diabetes: Poses to Control Your Blood Sugar Level

As per the recently published The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology Journal, more than 100 million people in India suffer from diabetes. This blog discusses some of the best yoga asanas for diabetes with pictures. It’s time to stay healthier and fight against this disease by practising easy yoga asanas for diabetes. Here are the Yoga Poses to Try for Diabetes

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Yoga for Anxiety Disorder: How it Works and 6 Asanas to Try

Over the years, millions of people have turned to yoga for anxiety disorder or when such depressive feelings have crept in. As per several medical reports and surveys, more than 30% of adults at some point in their lives have suffered from anxiety or other mental illnesses. However, doing certain yoga poses even for just a few minutes every day

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Yoga for Fatty Liver: Simple Yoga Asanas for Better Liver Health

With the advent of the work-from-home system, being in front of the laptop and hardly getting time for ourselves have been part of our lives. What happens as a result of such an inactive lifestyle is that fat starts getting accumulated in our bodies and we often turn into ‘couch potatoes’. While body positivity is always welcome, taking good care

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Yoga for Weight Loss: Yoga Poses to Help You Lose Weight Fast

Are you tired of trying out the latest dietary trends for weight loss? Shift your perspective and try something new. Introduce yoga for weight loss in your fitness regime and unlock complete mindfulness. If you are wondering ‘Is 30 minutes of yoga a day enough to lose weight?’ then there’s some good news! A good yoga session of half an

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Yoga for Women: Every Woman Should Practise These 5 Yoga Asanas Daily

Every year, India celebrates Yoga Day on the 21st of June. Millions of yoga practitioners collaborate on this day, taking the pledge to enhance their physical and mental health. Yoga is impactful for all but yoga for women specifically offers potential benefits in terms of flexibility, balance, mental health, bone strength, etc. In this article, we will take a closer

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