basic yoga

Yoga Asanas for Back Pain: Easy Poses for Back Pain Relief

Do you experience chronic back pain due to long hours of sitting at your workstation? If you are finding yourself asking Google if you can fix back pain with yoga, the answer is yes! It’s time to embrace the power of yoga and practise yoga asanas for back pain. Yoga Asanas for Lower Back Pain Shalabhasana/The Locust Pose One of

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Yoga Asanas for Diabetes: Poses to Control Your Blood Sugar Level

As per the recently published The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology Journal, more than 100 million people in India suffer from diabetes. This blog discusses some of the best yoga asanas for diabetes with pictures. It’s time to stay healthier and fight against this disease by practising easy yoga asanas for diabetes. Here are the Yoga Poses to Try for Diabetes

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Yoga for Autism: 9 Yoga Poses for Kids with Autism

As per the reports of ETHealthWorld, more than 18 million people in India are currently diagnosed with autism, including around 1% to 1.5% of children. While there’s no single cause that can be labelled as the main reason, ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) is generally attributed to several kinds of genetic and epigenetic issues. Due to such a complex nature, researchers

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Yoga Asanas for Kids: 7 Easy Yoga Poses for Kids

One of the most significant aspects of yoga is its easy accessibility to people of any age or skill level. Since most of the yoga poses can be practised anywhere, it’s also quite natural to conduct yoga sessions in classrooms and school playgrounds. After all, most yoga asanas for kids carry great benefits such as improving their sensory inputs and

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Yoga Asanas for Migraine: How it Works & 7 Poses to Try

Given the amount of stress present in today’s workplaces, migraine or severe headache is one of the most common issues faced by most people. Typically, such headaches affect only one-half of the head and can last even up to 2 days. Moreover, any person suffering from such migraine attacks also becomes extremely sensitive towards light or noise. However, various medical

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Yoga for Anxiety Disorder: How it Works and 6 Asanas to Try

Over the years, millions of people have turned to yoga for anxiety disorder or when such depressive feelings have crept in. As per several medical reports and surveys, more than 30% of adults at some point in their lives have suffered from anxiety or other mental illnesses. However, doing certain yoga poses even for just a few minutes every day

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Yoga for Hypothyroid: Top Yoga Asanas for Improving Thyroid Health

Hypothyroidism is one of the most common endocrine disorders in the world. The report Status of Goitre or Thyroid Disorders in India, published by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare states that Kerala has 8696 women (per 100,000) suffering from goitre or thyroid issues. However, the good news is that you can reverse your hypothyroidism condition by practising yoga

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Yoga for Constipation: Yoga Asanas to Relieve Constipation and Gas

Are you suffering from constipation? Does your morning start with an irritated face and never-ending stomach pain? If yes, then it’s high time that you do yoga for constipation regularly and follow a healthy lifestyle with moderate eating and rest. A very typical ailment, though might not be an illness, constipation is often triggered or aggravated by stress. According to

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Yoga for Fatty Liver: Simple Yoga Asanas for Better Liver Health

With the advent of the work-from-home system, being in front of the laptop and hardly getting time for ourselves have been part of our lives. What happens as a result of such an inactive lifestyle is that fat starts getting accumulated in our bodies and we often turn into ‘couch potatoes’. While body positivity is always welcome, taking good care

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Yoga for Weight Loss: Yoga Poses to Help You Lose Weight Fast

Are you tired of trying out the latest dietary trends for weight loss? Shift your perspective and try something new. Introduce yoga for weight loss in your fitness regime and unlock complete mindfulness. If you are wondering ‘Is 30 minutes of yoga a day enough to lose weight?’ then there’s some good news! A good yoga session of half an

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